
Calgary Area Acreages: Where Nature Meets Convenience

Calgary Area Acreages: Where Nature Meets Convenience

Calgary's acreages offer a unique blend of rural tranquility and city proximity, providing a lifestyle choice like no other. Embraced by Alberta's stunning natural beauty, these properties cater to those seeking space, privacy, and a closer connection to nature. Living on an acreage near Calgary means enjoying the peace of the countryside, with the convenience of city amenities just a short drive away. This introduction to acreage living will explore the appeal of this lifestyle in the Calgary region.

Current Market Trends in Calgary Area Acreages

The market for acreages near Calgary is dynamic, reflecting the evolving preferences of homebuyers and investors. In recent years, there has been a noticeable trend towards seeking properties that offer both the space of rural living and the convenience of urban accessibility. The price ranges of these properties vary significantly, accommodating a wide spectrum of budgets. From sprawling estates to modest country homes, Calgary's acreage market offers diverse options to suit different lifestyle needs and investment strategies.

The current market trends for Calgary area acreages sold are:

  • The average sold price of acreages in Calgary for December 2023 was $1,120,000, which is 8.7% higher than last December’s average sold price and 2.6% lower than the previous month’s.
  • The median sold price of acreages in Calgary for December 2023 was $1,050,000, which is 10.5% higher than last December’s median sold price and 4.5% lower than the previous month’s1.
  • The number of acreages sold in Calgary for December 2023 was 20, which is 17.6% lower than last December’s sales and 28.6% lower than the previous month’s.
  • The average days on market for acreages sold in Calgary for December 2023 was 67, which is 13.4% lower than last December’s average days on market and 9.8% higher than the previous month’s.
  • The average list-to-sell ratio for acreages sold in Calgary for December 2023 was 97.1%, which is 0.8% higher than last December’s average list-to-sell ratio and 0.2% lower than the previous month’s.

Benefits of Owning an Acreage Near Calgary

Owning an acreage near Calgary comes with a host of benefits. The most apparent is the ample space it provides – room for large gardens, outdoor activities, and even keeping animals. This space affords a level of privacy and seclusion rarely found in urban settings. Additionally, living on an acreage fosters a strong connection to nature, with opportunities to experience wildlife, starry night skies, and the tranquility of Alberta's landscapes. For those who value peace, space, and a rural setting, an acreage near Calgary is an ideal choice.

Location Insights: Best Areas for Acreages Near Calgary

When considering acreages near Calgary, the location is a key factor. The areas surrounding Calgary offer a variety of landscapes and community styles. From the rolling foothills to the west to the expansive plains to the east, each area around Calgary has its unique charm and advantages. Some areas are known for their panoramic mountain views, while others boast lush, fertile lands ideal for gardening and small-scale farming. This section explores the best areas for acreages around Calgary, highlighting the unique features of each.

Acreages for sale Calgary

Some of the popular areas for acreages near Calgary are:

  • Bearspaw: This is a rural community in Rocky View County, located just northwest of Calgary. It offers large lots, scenic views, and easy access to the city. The average price of acreages in Bearspaw is around $1.8 million.
  • Springbank: This is another rural community in Rocky View County, located west of Calgary. It features rolling hills, natural ponds, and diverse architectural styles. The average price of acreages in Springbank is around $2.1 million.
  • De Winton: This is a hamlet in Foothills County, located south of Calgary. It is known for its peaceful atmosphere, golf courses, and equestrian facilities. The average price of acreages in De Winton is around $1.6 million.
  • Priddis: This is a hamlet in Foothills County, located southwest of Calgary. It is surrounded by forests, creeks, and wildlife. The average price of acreages in Priddis is around $1.3 million.
  • These are just some of the areas for acreages in Calgary. 

Investment Potential of Calgary Area Acreages

Investing in an acreage near Calgary is not just about purchasing a piece of land; it's about investing in a lifestyle and potential future gains. Acreages in the Calgary area have shown a steady appreciation over time, making them a wise choice for long-term investment. The demand for rural properties close to urban centers is increasing, as more people seek a balance between city convenience and rural serenity. 

Building Your Dream Home on an Acreage

For many, owning an acreage near Calgary is an opportunity to build their dream home. This process allows for customization and creativity, tailoring a home to one's exact specifications and desires. However, building on an acreage comes with unique considerations, such as zoning regulations, land preparation, and utility connections.

Lifestyle and Community on Calgary Area Acreages

Living on an acreage near Calgary offers a lifestyle that is both serene and community-oriented. Despite the larger land parcels and greater distances between homes, many acreage communities have a strong sense of neighborliness and shared interests. Residents often bond over common rural living experiences, such as landscaping and animal care. The lifestyle is marked by a slower pace, open spaces, and a connection to the natural environment, providing a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of city life.

Acreage Maintenance and Upkeep

Owning an acreage requires a commitment to maintenance and upkeep. Unlike urban properties, acreages come with their unique set of responsibilities, such as land management, water system maintenance, and possible agricultural duties. Potential buyers should consider the time and cost associated with maintaining larger properties. This section will offer essential tips for managing an acreage and discuss the balance between enjoying the vast space and managing the responsibilities that come with it.

Navigating the Buying Process

Purchasing an acreage near Calgary involves several steps that differ from buying a city property. It's essential to understand the specific aspects of rural real estate, such as land use bylaws, septic systems, and water rights. Working with a knowledgeable real estate agent, like Diane Richardson (403.397.3706), can make this process smoother. Diane's expertise in the Calgary area acreage market can guide buyers through the nuances of rural property transactions, ensuring they find the acreage that best suits their needs and preferences.

Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Living on Acreages

Embracing sustainability is a growing trend among acreage owners in Calgary. The expansive land offers the perfect opportunity for eco-friendly practices such as solar energy use, rainwater harvesting, and organic farming. Sustainable living on an acreage not only contributes to a healthier environment but also often results in cost savings in the long run. 

Challenges and Considerations

While acreage living offers many benefits, it's important to acknowledge the potential challenges. These may include managing larger land areas, longer commutes to city amenities, and dealing with rural infrastructure like septic systems and water wells. Prospective buyers should carefully consider these aspects to ensure they are prepared for the realities of acreage living. 

Comparing City and Acreage Living

Choosing between city life and acreage living involves weighing various factors. This section compares the two lifestyles, highlighting the differences in daily living, community interaction, and the pros and cons of each. While city living offers convenience and quick access to amenities, acreage living provides space, privacy, and a closer connection to nature. Understanding these differences is crucial for making an informed decision about where to live.

Future Outlook for Calgary Area Acreages

The future of acreages near Calgary looks promising. With urban sprawl and the desire for more space increasing, the demand for acreages is likely to continue growing. This trend suggests that investing in an acreage property not only offers a unique lifestyle but also holds potential for appreciation in value. This section will explore market predictions and the impact of economic and environmental factors on the acreage market in and around Calgary.

 Is Acreage Living Right for You?

Acreages around Calgary offer a unique and fulfilling way of life that combines the serenity of rural living with proximity to urban conveniences. This article has explored various aspects of acreage living, from the investment potential to the lifestyle benefits and challenges. If you are contemplating whether acreage living is suitable for you, consider your lifestyle preferences, future goals, and preparedness for the responsibilities that come with larger properties. For expert guidance on navigating the Calgary area acreage market, reach out to Diane Richardson at 403.397.3706 for personalized advice and insights.

Discover Rocky View County Listings, Explore Kneehill, Mountain View, Wheatland, and Foothills County Properties

Mountain View County Listings
Foothills County Listings Purchasing Rural Property Guide

A Comprehensive Guide to Acreage Buying: Unveiling Your Dream Property

A Comprehensive Guide to Acreage Buying: Unveiling Your Dream Property

Embarking on the journey of purchasing acreage involves navigating a landscape that combines the allure of vast expanses with the promise of a serene lifestyle. In this guide, we'll delve into crucial acreage buying tips, ensuring you are well-prepared for this unique real estate venture. Moreover, we'll highlight specific opportunities in Counties like Foothills, Rocky View, Mountain View, Wheatland, and Kneehill. For personalized assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to Diane Richardson at 403.397.3706.

Understanding Your Needs

"Choosing the Perfect Acreage for Your Lifestyle"

Before diving into details, define your needs—consider your lifestyle, future plans, and aspirations. Whether it's a peaceful retreat or a working farm, clarifying your goals will help narrow down your search effectively.

  1. Space Needs - Determine how much land you need for activities like horses, farming, hobbies, pets orprivacy. 5 acres? 40 acres? Consider future needs too.
  2. Home Features - Ranch? Farmhouse? Luxury estate? Choose a home style that fits your taste and accommodates your family. Opt for amenities like shops and RV parking.
  3. Location - Factor in commute time to the city for work, accessing airports, and proximity to amenities you need. Stay within range of necessities.
  4. Community - Research the rural town or county culture. Will zoning allow your intended use? Discover preferred areas.

Researching Locations

"Top Acreage Locations for Tranquil Living"

Location is paramount in acreage buying. Research areas that align with your vision. Explore opportunities in Counties like Foothills, Rocky View, Mountain View, Wheatland, and Kneehill for a diverse range of options.

  1. Proximity - Focus your search within a comfortable driving range of Calgary for amenities and airport access. Foothills and Rocky View offer the shortest commutes.
  2. Scenery - Do you prioritize mountain views and forests? Foothills, Rocky View and Mountain View provide stunning vistas at the foothills.
  3. Land Use - Check county regulations on agricultural use, livestock, recreational vehicles, etc. Some restrict certain activities.
  4. Town Proximity - Living near towns like Okotoks, High River, Strathmore or Olds provides conveniences. Factor in preferences.
  5. Pricing - Land value varies greatly across counties. Balance space affordability with location.
  6. Activities - Live where you can enjoy your hobbies like horses, ATVs, agriculture, etc. Pick suitable terrain.

Setting a Realistic Budget

"Acreage Buying on a Budget: Tips and Tricks"

Establishing a budget is pivotal. Consider not just the land cost but also potential development expenses. 

  • Focus your search outside Rocky View and Foothills counties where land value is lower. Wheatland, Mountain View, and Kneehill offer more affordability.
  • Prioritize smaller parcels around 5-20 acres to lower your upfront land investment. Can still feel private.
  • Consider buying bare land to build on later. Land is less costly than a house-included package.
  • Expand your commute time up to 45 minutes from Calgary to find reduced prices further out.

Engaging Professional Help

"Why You Need a Realtor for Acreage Buying Success"

Enlist the services of a knowledgeable real estate agent."Diane Richardson best acreage realtor in Foothills County" can guide you to professionals specializing in the specific counties of interest.

Assessing Zoning Regulations

"Demystifying Acreage Zoning: What You Need to Know"

Understanding zoning regulations is crucial. zoning laws in Foothills, Rocky View, Mountain View, Wheatland, and Kneehill Counties to ensure your intended use aligns with local regulations.

  • Zoning bylaws differ so research individual county and municipal rules for your target areas.
  • Permitted uses can include agricultural, residential, commercial, industrial - check if your intended use is allowed.
  • Livestock allowances, number of dwellings, and subdivision potential will be outlined based on zoning.
  • Development regulations like setbacks, heights, sizes, waste management rules will be spelled out.
  • Make sure acreage is properly zoned for your goals like additional structures, businesses, or livestock.
  • Water requirements, sewer/septic, and utilities will depend on zoning densities.
  • Transport rules around equipment, RVs, heavy vehicles, etc. may apply for storage.

Inspecting Land Quality

"Unlocking Acreage Potential: Soil Quality Matters"

Consider not just the space but the land's quality., especially in Foothills, Rocky View, Mountain View, Wheatland, and Kneehill Counties.

  • Research the Canada Land Inventory (CLI) soil classifications for the area. Class 1 is best quality soil.
  • On a viewing, walk the land and look for healthy vegetation. This can indicate fertile soil.
  • Examine the texture and color - darker soils tend to be more nutrient rich. Light sandy soil may be low fertility.
  • Consider topography like drainage, erosion, rockiness - hilly areas often have thinner soil.
  • Ask about any past soil assessments or crop yields for agricultural parcels - can demonstrate quality.
  • A professional agrologist can do soil tests to analyze nutrients, organic matter, pH levels and composition.
  • Ground structure, moisture retention and microbial life are also indicators of soil health.
  • Poorer quality soil may limit activities like farming or building but can be amended over time.

Evaluating Water Sources

"Water Wisdom: A Guide to Acreage Water Sources"

Access to water is critical. water sources to identify properties with reliable water access, particularly in the specified counties.

  • Well water - Confirm well output capacity in gallons per minute and water quality lab results. Check depth and maintenance.
  • Municipal water - Hookups for county/town systems may have higher fees but offer reliability and quality.
  • Groundwater - Some areas have restrictions on groundwater access based on environmental factors.
  • Rainwater harvesting - Can supplement but sufficient storage is key. Require proper drainage.
  • Cisterns & hauled water - Storing trucked-in water works for some needs but isn't sustainable for all uses.
  • Nearby water bodies - While nice, rivers and lakes often have restrictions on access and use.

Considering Future Development

"Future-Proofing Your Acreage: Development Opportunities"

Anticipate future needs and developments, infrastructure plans in Foothills, Rocky View, Mountain View, Wheatland, and Kneehill Counties to identify properties with promising growth potential.

  • Review county plans and zoning to see if development is slated for the area you are interested in. Being in future growth zones raises potential.
  • Research subdivision policies. Some acreages have potential to split into multiple parcels in the future, increasing value.
  • Proximity to expanding towns and new amenities can make an area more desirable over time as development encroaches.
  • Parcels bordering paved roads often have higher likelihood of development over remote, hard to access land.
  • Land with access to municipal water/sewer has much higher development capabilities versus relying on wells and septic.
  • Flat, easily built land tends to have higher development appeal than steep, uneven terrain limited in buildable space.
  • Properties set up for agricultural uses like crops may be less appealing to developers than vacant recreational land.
  • Joining landowner groups provides updates on proposed developments that could impact your acreage.

Environmental Impact

"Green Living on Your Acreage: Environmentally Friendly Choices"

Consider the ecological impact of your acreage. sustainable living and eco-friendly practices, aligning with the environmental ethos of the specified counties.

  • Incorporate solar panels to supplement or even fully power your home's electricity needs. Take advantage of the open space.
  • Invest in a geothermal heating/cooling system to tap into underground stable temperatures and reduce energy costs.
  • Use rainwater harvesting barrels to collect runoff for use in watering plants, gardens or landscaping to conserve well water.
  • Compost food scraps and manure to produce rich fertilizer for your acreage's gardens, trees and hay fields.
  • Plant cover crops when rotating hay fields or leaving areas fallow to prevent soil erosion and nourish the land.
  • Allow portions of acreage to naturalize to create wildlife habitats and minimize maintenance needs.
  • Build barns, sheds, and dwellings using sustainable materials like reclaimed wood and metal roofing.
  • Use permeable paving surfaces like gravel to allow drainage and prevent runoff that can affect water systems.
  • Install smart energy efficient fixtures such as LED lights, motion sensors, and programmable thermostats.

Securing Financing

 "Navigating Acreage Loans: Funding Your Dream Property"

Secure financing tailored for acreage buying. acreage financing, especially in Foothills, Rocky View, Mountain View, Wheatland, and Kneehill Counties, to find lenders with expertise in this niche.

  • Search for lenders experienced with acreage loans - they understand land value considerations.
  • Higher down payments are often required, averaging 20-35%. Have funds ready.
  • Interest rates may be higher than standard mortgages given the uniqueness of each property.
  • Expect the approval process to take longer with added appraisal complexities. Plan accordingly.
  • Loan terms are typically shorter than residential mortgages, around 5-15 years.
  • Lending amounts can be lower because of access, development restrictions, and land use limitations.
  • Additional fees may apply for title searches, appraisals, surveys, inspections, and legal work.
  • Ask about contractor mortgages if you plan to build - provides construction financing.
  • Agri-business loans cater to working farms. Equipment and livestock loans are also available.
  • Get pre-approved so you can act quickly when the right acreage purchase opportunity arises.



With over 15 years of experience in this market, I have the expertise to guide you seamlessly through the real estate process. My extensive knowledge of Calgary’s diverse regions allows me to match you with your perfect acreage.

On my user-friendly website,, you can browse listings by price range, property type, and counties. Whether you’re looking for a specific style of home or area of the city, you can easily search for options.

As your agent, I make it a priority to understand your unique needsand goals for a personalized experience every step of the way. Fromlisting to closing, I’m your trusted partner.

My calm guidance and dedication to outstanding client service help make finding your ideal home a joyful process. I'm eager to meet you, learn about your needs, and get started on the path to real estate success!

To begin your home search or get a free estimate on selling your current property, give me a call at 403-397-3706 or email today. Let’sturn your real estate dreams into reality!


Exploring Acreages near Calgary: A Nature Lover's Dream

Exploring Acreages near Calgary: A Nature Lover's Dream

If you're a nature enthusiast seeking a peaceful escape from the bustling city life, the beautiful acreages near Calgary offer a perfect opportunity to reconnect with nature. Situated in the picturesque landscapes of Alberta, Canada, these acreages provide an idyllic retreat while being conveniently close to the vibrant city of Calgary. In this article, we will dive into the allure of acreages near Calgary, highlighting their natural beauty, recreational opportunities, and the benefits of owning a piece of land in this scenic region.

1. Introduction: The Appeal of Acreages near Calgary

Calgary, known for its urban charm and thriving economy, is surrounded by stunning natural beauty. Acreages near Calgary present an incredible opportunity to experience the best of both worlds. With the Rocky Mountains as a majestic backdrop, these acreages offer an escape into serene landscapes, where you can build your dream home, enjoy outdoor activities, and immerse yourself in the tranquility of nature.

2. Natural Beauty: Awe-Inspiring Landscapes

The acreages near Calgary boast breathtaking landscapes that are sure to captivate any nature lover. Imagine waking up to panoramic views of rolling hills, lush forests, and sparkling lakes. Whether you prefer the vast open spaces or the coziness of wooded areas, these acreages provide an array of natural wonders to explore.

3. Outdoor Recreation: A Playground for Adventure

For those seeking outdoor adventures, acreages near Calgary offer a plethora of activities to indulge in. From hiking and mountain biking along scenic trails to fishing in pristine lakes and rivers, the possibilities are endless. Nature enthusiasts can also enjoy horseback riding, camping, wildlife watching, and even skiing in winter months. With nature as your playground, there is never a shortage of exciting activities to keep you engaged.

4. Wildlife and Biodiversity: Embracing Nature's Diversity

The acreages near Calgary are home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. Alberta's rich biodiversity ensures encounters with a variety of wildlife species, including deer, elk, moose, bears, and numerous bird species. The opportunity to observe and coexist with these magnificent creatures is truly a privilege that acreage owners near Calgary get to experience.

5. Peaceful Retreat: Escaping the City Hustle

One of the primary reasons people seek acreages near Calgary is to find a peaceful retreat away from the noise and congestion of the city. The serene ambiance and unhurried pace of life in these natural surroundings allow individuals to rejuvenate and recharge. Whether you're looking for a weekend getaway or a permanent residence, acreages near Calgary provide a peaceful haven to unwind and find solace in nature.

6. Potential for Customization: Building Your Dream Home

Owning an acreage near Calgary means having the opportunity to design and build your dream home from scratch. These spacious properties offer the freedom to create a residence perfectly tailored to your needs and preferences. Whether you envision a modern architectural marvel or a cozy log cabin, the vast acreages provide ample space for realizing your vision and making your dream home a reality.

7. Community Spirit: A Close-Knit Neighborhood

Despite the secluded nature of acreages near Calgary, a strong sense of community thrives among the residents. The shared love for nature and the common desire for a peaceful lifestyle create a close-knit neighborhood where residents often come together for social events, outdoor activities, and support. Living in an acreage community near Calgary allows you to enjoy the best of both solitude and companionship.

8. Proximity to Calgary: Access to Urban Amenities

While acreages near Calgary offer a serene countryside experience, the convenience of city life is never too far away. Calgary, with its vibrant culture, world-class dining, shopping centers, and educational institutions, is just a short drive away. This proximity ensures that acreage owners can easily access urban amenities while still relishing the tranquility of their rural retreat.

9. Investment Potential: A Wise Real Estate Choice

Investing in acreages near Calgary is not only a lifestyle choice but also a prudent real estate investment. The demand for these properties continues to grow as more individuals seek to embrace the benefits of living close to nature. The combination of natural beauty, recreational opportunities, and proximity to Calgary's economic opportunities makes acreages near Calgary a valuable asset that can appreciate over time.

Conclusion: Embrace the Natural Splendor of Acreages near Calgary

In conclusion, acreages near Calgary offer an enticing escape from the city, providing nature enthusiasts with an unparalleled opportunity to immerse themselves in stunning landscapes, outdoor adventures, and a peaceful lifestyle. From breathtaking views to a close-knit community, these acreages promise a harmonious blend of natural beauty and modern convenience. By investing in an acreage near Calgary, you can forge a deep connection with nature, create cherished memories, and embrace a life of tranquility surrounded by Alberta's picturesque wonders.



Get in Touch with Diane Richardson for Expert Real Estate Guidance

Finding your ideal home is made easier with the help of Diane Richardson, a trusted and experienced real estate agent. Whether you have questions, need more information, or want to schedule viewings, Diane is here to assist you every step of the way. Contacting Diane is quick and convenient, with multiple options available:

  1. Contact Form: Use the contact form on this website to send Diane a message directly from this page. Simply fill in your name, email address, and your message, and Diane will respond to you promptly.

  2. Phone: Dial 403-397-3706 to reach Diane directly. Call her to discuss your real estate needs, ask questions, or schedule viewings. Diane is available to provide personalized assistance and guidance over the phone.

  3. Email: You can also reach out to Diane via email at Diane. Send her an email with any inquiries or requests for more information, and she will respond to you in a timely manner.

  4. Live Chat: Take advantage of the live chat feature on this website for real-time communication with Diane. Simply click on the live chat option, and you can chat with her instantly, getting immediate answers to your questions.

Diane Richardson understands the importance of personalized service and is committed to providing you with the best real estate guidance. Contact her today and let her expertise help you navigate the real estate market with confidence.

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